Why listen to your heart?

Why listen to your heart?

Why listen to the voice of your heart?

To live af life listing to the voice of your heart constantly whispering within, with it’s sweet and soft voice where the next step is for you in life, sounds so sweet and wonderful… like it would take care of you all the way if you listen.

That the pain would not increase in life, but the expectations of decreasing of pain is a must otherwise the heart must have lied.
The trust of the voice of the heart can be hard, and the action to follow it’s wishes even harder, yet the truth is that not listing to it may be even harder.

So why do it? Why listen to the voice of your heart?

Love and the hearts voice can sound so fantastic and also easy to do, that then if listened to, will leed to a life with ease but the reality has not been like that in my experience…  yet why again? Why constantly try to live the hearts voice, when it feels so vulnerable and it often has put me in situations where the pain has increased? Honestly I don’t know why. I could try give you all the right answers, but logically trying to that… to give you answer, would be like saying that I nailed it… and I haven’t.

Listing to my heart scares me in every way, but I keep on doing it. I keep on wanting to listen even more carefully to what it has to tell me. Learning how to refine and let go of fear to open up. I don’t think it’s easy, but in a way I feel that it’s the only right way.

Your hearts voice has a saying that is unique for you and for the world, that why it matters! It matters a lot and even if we are just a little voice in the big picture, every voice is a must for everything to be in place.

You will hear me stumble forward in this most (or at least for me ) important lesson here in life… to listen to the voice of my heart.

Enjoy the journey!
We are only here once.

A manifested dream

A manifested dream

A manifested dream

A manifested dream

This saturday “Let’s Talk Tantra” will be published. And a very long dream/vision is being manifested. The vision that I saw more than 12 years ago, of small books being created in a new language has now found it’s way into the manifested world.

Last Wednesday I had been out all day at my business club and my head was full of inspiring talks. When I returned home I saw that the boxes of freshly printed books had arrived. My heart flipped out, beating faster than I felt my physical heart could handle.

The feeling of holding the physical book, was so thrilling and exciting for my heart, and feelings of completion, heartbreak, strength, courage and belief… so much belief… merged with everything. And then the tears came… running for hours of relief.

It’s not just a book; it is a book from my deep core. I love the books I have published over the years, I love nurturing them, I love them because they are like small personalities waiting for someone to pick them up and be shared. I simply love what I do.

Some dreams are so powerful and come from so deep within that you feel your whole life will have lost it’s meaning if you stopped believing in them. This is how this one felt…

So… when something keeps on whispering in your ears:

  • Don’t stop believing it. Not even if it looks like it’s never going to
  • If you like to talk, find the best people in your life and share your dreams with them. They will keep reminding that you have something to give to the world.
  • Find the inner blockages that keep you from getting there. And get them unblocked in whatever way is best for you.
  • Ask for help.
  • Meditate
  • Never stop believing and find your ways to keep the dream from fading. Go wild in imagination.
  • Be persistent.

The previous 12 years felt like nothing that moment when I held the book, but I must say… what a journey…
Good luck catching and fulfilling your own dreams.

Enjoy the journey!
We are only here once.

L. Lee

Surrender into writing

Surrender into writing


Surrender into writing

Surrender into sitting down in a constant flow of words coming out of my hands and surrender into the lifestyle of writing was not something that I thought I had to deal with.

As I have written earlier on the blog “My Italian Angel” was written twice – two completely different books though. When writing it I decided to do it a bit here and there and it worked out well… and after it was finished I had planned that it should be edited, then published and then later maybe a new book would take form.

It is said that everytime you make a plan God is laughing and so it happened again.

Last year I had a roadtrip on my own in Italy, driving from Milan, Pitigliano, Turin and then Como lake and when leaving Milan again on the airplane the inspiration to a new novel came through. I remember thinking on the plane… one more book in the same series and I thought that I had to publish the other one first… but I just knew that I had to write, and so I did.

When I started the second novel the attitude towards writing changed, the surrender to living a life where writing became a first choice, the way of living to be able to write was changing. I observed that my whole mindset about living changed and what I hadn’t seen coming was that I loved it.
I love writing and I love the calmness of the life that follows. The quietness and being with my computer has had such a fantastic impact on my life. Do you know that feeling?… When you experience that you are much happier living a different life than you thought you should live?

It’s the beauty of surrender into ourselves that makes life shine when we do… But I can say I have spend a lot of time resisting it and why? I can’t give you any good reasons, not even one – why we don’t surrender into what is the best for us? Do you ever wonder about that too?

Enjoy the ride
We’re only here once

L. Lee


What an angel!

What an angel!


What an angel!

The book is about an Italian Angel and who that is…. (Well you have to wait until the book is out. Which will be the 1st of November 2016.)

So today it will be about another angel.

Last week, while at my friend’s house, I saw this fantastic rainbow in the shape of an angel. I saw a kind of half rainbow hanging down from a sky and asked my friend that she go and take a photograph. I was standing in the kitchen looking at her while the intensity of the colors of the rainbow increased dramatically in those seconds when she was doing the photo shoot. Once she returned to the kitchen the rainbow was gone…

It was like magic! We both laughed and agreed that it looked like an angel. But today when I saw the photo it was so clear that it was in fact an angel. (See the filming below.)

So then my mind drifted to My Italian Angel, cause that was such a different experience.

But equal for them both, they are so real and non-real at the same time. It feels unbelievable and at the same time so familiar when they arrive.

Ever since I was a child I have had all kinds of spiritual experiences, but it was often accompanied with a splash of anxiety… that I didn’t know what to do with it, didn’t know how to be with it, so for many years I tried to run… but with that only more anxiety followed.

The spiritual part of the human being is so important and so full of guidance and wisdom, but when not knowing what to do with it… it can sometimes feels overwhelming or at least that was what I felt.

Last week it felt like a warm comforting sign, like the appearance of someone watching out for us.

The Italian Angel had the same qualities and maybe that’s what they are all about, showing us comfort, showing us our essence so full of wisdom, if we just listen…

Enjoy the journey!
We are only here once.





My inner Italian woman

My inner Italian woman

2014-11-09 14.01.45

My inner Italian woman.

Do you know the feeling of landing in another country and just having the sense of belonging? Not that you in any way are related to the country but just this deep feeling that a part of you is home.

Years back I suddenly observed that exact feeling. It happened at a seminar I was attending and the destination was Italy.

I started craving my trips Italy, I couldn’t get there enough. There was as a part of me that just felt so at home that I could finally relax a place very deep within. I would walk the streets endlessly; have a cappuccino here and there, read a book and work.

Everything seemed to add up in a way almost impossible to time describe to anyone… because I was in love… deeply in love with a country and still am.

I don’t go there as often as I used to a couple of years back, but I have to go every year. This summer I have just been in Milan with my boys and it’s the same every time. The feeling returns, I relax and a lot of inspirations and creative energy activates.

The first book “My Italian Angel” (which will be published the 1. of November 2016) is inspired by Italy where all the travelling I did ended up in this very book. The next book “He doesn’t follow the script” was born after a road trip in Italy… the whole outline to the manuscript was written on the flight back home.

And this time… ideas for the third novel started to enter my mind.

Do you know this feeling? That you have to go to a special place to receive parts of you that you couldn’t experience at home?

Travelling has help heal me so much and it continues. I am ever amazed by that feeling…

Ciao from my inner Italian woman.

Enjoy the ride!

We only live once!
